PHOTO LOGISTICS currently carries out projects that include the installation of photo hides, design of itineraries for photographic safaris, adaptation of vehicles and boats, training of guiding and hide maintenance personnel or advice on the marketing of wildlife photography tourism products.

One of the most gratifying experiences of our work is sharing our experience of construction and installation of facilities as well as development of wildlife photography tourism products in other countries. PHOTO LOGISTICS was a pioneer in Spain with its incorporation as Ltd Company in 2009. Since then, it has continued to grow geographically, in human resources and in experience in handling all kinds of situations, both from the point of view of natural resource management and of the most diverse social conjunctures.
The model that PHOTO LOGISTICS opperates in third countries is different from the one proposed in places closer to the company’s headquarters. In this case, after the study of the natural resources of the area, the specific circumstances of each area and the diagnosis carried out, the hides are made and then they are in the hands of the promoter of the initiative. The hides or safari itinerary doesn’t belong to PHOTO LOGISTICS and they are not a part of the company network.

What are our services? A series of products that taken as a package or individually can help the development of wildlife photography tourism in a certain area:
– Diagnosis document. After a first prospecting visit and interview with the main social agents, a simple executive plan is carried out with the facilities and services considered appropriate based on existing resources and the market demand.

– Building of hides in situ. In accordance with local agents and the regulations of each place. The use of local materials is preferred. If in any case it is necessary to transport some element, such as high quality one way glasses.
– Staff training. It is planned on two fronts: in the country of origin, in combination with the building of the hides and the design of safari itineraries step, adaptation of vehicles, etc. And a training stay in Spain, where people in training join the PHOTO LOGISTICS team to learn with real cases.

– Carrying out specific promotional materials such as videos, writing texts and everything that is necessary for effective promotion.
– Specialized web design, optimized (SEO) and prepared for the marketing of wildlife photography tourism products. The website can incorporate a booking centre.

– Advice to owners and managers interested in developing wildlife photography tourism. It is done through presently talks or through videoconference. Topics such as booking management, promotion, marketing channels, relationship with tour operators, etc. will be addressed. It can be accompanied by a reverse famtrip so that the managers have contact with actual cases in our network of hides and photographic safaris in Spain, interact with local associations, land owners, representatives of local entities or event managers in the sector, among others.